Resize image on google docs
Resize image on google docs

Using =image("url",1) to resize the image to fit the size of the cell produces an image that is 1637px tall, but is very blurry because it's stretching the small image instead of displaying the actual original image size I want. Using =image("url",3) displays an image in google sheets that is much smaller than this, even though the 3 should display the image at its original size. ALSO WATCH How to format Images in Google Docs series ( How to Format. Paste the image in a Google Drawing If necessary, reposition, resize or crop the. google-sheets Share Improve this question Follow edited at 15:55 Rubén 43. If youre a regular Google Drive user, in particular Docs and Slides. The original image is 41px by 1637px tall. How to resize an image in google docs is shown in this google docs - Resize image to specific size. Using image ('url',1) to resize the image to fit the size of the cell produces an image that is 1637px tall, but is very blurry because its stretching the small image instead of displaying the actual original image size I want. Select Image, then choose from the following upload options: Upload from your computer Search the web Upload from Google Drive Upload from Google Photos. How can I stop google resizing the image when it first imports it, so that I can make the image appear at its original size without looking blurry?

resize image on google docs resize image on google docs

However, when I use =image() to add the image, it's much smaller than that - and if I force it to be 1637px tall again, it looks really blurry, exactly as though I've resized up a much smaller picture. I have an image that is 41px by 1637px ( ) and I want to put it in a cell on the sheet that's also 1637px tall.

Resize image on google docs